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Hi. I'm Starting a Blog.

Before I kick off with my Andie Anderson "how-to's" and my Miranda Priestly-ness for my new blog, I thought the first one should be more of an introduction.

So here it goes...

I'm sarcastic.

I love wine.

I love Fall.

I love coffee.

But I hate kids. Just kidding. I hate large gatherings of kids.

I love my niece and nephew. And I love my friends kids. But I love being able to leave them at the end of the day.

I'm the aunt. I'm the cool aunt. And I'm 1000% okay with that.

I like quoting movies. Especially the same ones over and over again. Like Mean Girls. Because it's just so fetch.

Black is my favorite color.

I could live off cheese pizza.

I'm a Jeep girl.

As my grandma likes to say, I'm "as liberal as all get out". You might have to be from the south to understand that phrase.

I love music.

I love hats.

I love to travel.

For a long time I thought I would never want to live anywhere other than my hometown, but all it took was one trip to California (thanks BP oil spill money) when I was 21, and I was hooked.

But almost a decade later, 6 years in the Air Force, 20+ countries traveled, 10 moves, 4 US cross-country road trips, 2 foreign countries lived in, 1 deployment, and 1 college degree later and I'm back.

I love photography.

Photography has always been a hobby. The amount of random cameras I've collected over the years is quite impressive.

I didn't go to school for this.

I've never even taken a photography class.

Being a photographer was never in my "plan".

As I say on my website bio, "life is funny that way".

So here I am starting a blog. About photography? Kind of.

I'm still trying to figure out exactly where I want this to go, but imagine a collection of posts on photography, my personal life, strangers lives, tips and tricks, lessons I've learned, adventures I've taken in the past, adventures I plan on taking in the future...

A modge podge of sorts if you will.

& I hope you like it.

xx Amy

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